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Manford Primary School

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

At Manford we have an experienced and knowledgeable leader who leads on the diagnosis, review and support for children who have, or may have Special Educational Needs. Her name is Miss H Gibbings and she is contactable through the school office (020 8500 2143).

Miss Gibbings supports children and their families when they have educational, physical or emotional needs which mean they need something extra or different from the rest of the class. Sometimes this is a short term need, for other children their needs are long-term.

Miss Gibbings works closely with many professionals: nurses, doctors, psychologists, health visitors and social workers as well as organisations such as Young Carers and Children's Centres to make sure everything possible is done to help children at Manford reach their potential.  She is assisted by our Inclusion Administrator, Mrs C Gould.